In 2012 the admin team has subjected itself to what I would like to say is most 'interesting' group of community members.
In 5 separate events the community has done it's best impression of France. Sure you won 2 of 3 maps on the first AVC, but the admin team was also at a 4 player handicap.
But there is redemption. We still have time before the year ends. So I would like to see the community stand up for itself one last time. A date to be determined, gather your forces. Seek out 9 players to battle 9 admins.
And we'll make it interesting. Aside from Fingerman or myself. The community gets to choose who they play against. And Team Win err admin will not be able to have more than 1 class. This is NOT a highlander battle. But I feel guilty.
SO. Pick our team. Pick the maps (2)
Let's fight this out before the end of the year.
But since I am a jerk. The community must first elect a team leader. This person will be responsible for assembling the team
and said team picking who you'll fight. Granted there is a chance you will not be able to do any of this. So you have until Christmas
to elect a leader. If you fail to do so, the admin team will assume you surrender.